Thursday, May 18, 2023

Philosophy 101

I am thoroughly enjoying the FREE philosophy books by 
So I decided to Make a "Philosophy 101" course out of it!

These books and AUDIOBOOKS are all FREE on Gplay!
Which means they play great on any device.

Let's start with David Hume:

David Hume (1711–1776) is a towering and intriguing figure.
He was the preeminent philosopher in what is now called the Scottish Enlightenment,
a time that was "crowded with genius" and in a place regarded as the rebirth of the golden era of Athens.
His writing displayed an astonishing range, addressing everything from metaphysics to politics,
and in subject after subject he produced fresh, novel, and brilliant insights.

Fraser Institute does a REALLY good job!
The narrator is excellent, but... the main point is that you really LEARN a lot because they are giving you context and background the whole time.

Makes history and philosophy fun and interesting!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work | John M.Gottman & Nan Silver

Save your marriage with science!

image 7 principles

This book saved our marriage

Seriously—No joke!


I got the audiobook and on a 5 hour drive with my wife I "nonchalantly" turned it on.
It was great! We immediately saw ourselves in the first chapters!

Just the first three chapters will help immediately...

What I like about this book is that it blows A LOT of myths apart...

For example non-violent communication: with all of these typical advisors today, giving the old standby generic advice like "communicating is the number one way to save a marriage"...well these have been proven to be FALSE as ****!

As a matter fact some of the most successful couples fight like cats and dogs!

But what I really like about this book is that it's something you can do together:

In Chapter 5 and 6 you really need a piece of paper and pen, and you really have to do these things together and they've all been proven by science...
16 years of observing couples, unsuccessful AND successful couples!

image 7 principles 

Get the Print Book HERE

Get the Kindle Book HERE 

Get the Audiobook HERE 

Get the MP3 CD HERE

 Your First Quick Win!

One of the first and most effective techniques is to recognize "the 4 Horsemen" in every conversation.
These 4 Horsemen RUIN your communication with your spouse.
It is important to STOP them; on both sides - you and your spouse. 

The 4 Horsemen are:
  • Criticism
  • Contempt
  • Defensiveness
  • Stonewalling
You can download this 4 Horsemen tracker here for free!
Image the 4 horsemen printable
FREE 8.5 x 11" PDF Download - ready to Print!

Every time you notice you or your spouse DOING one of them, make sure to take a note and make a RED X in the box.
There are two rows of 14 boxes. 
One for you, one for your spouse.
  • Your spouse takes the top row,
  • you take the bottom row.
The goal is to have a CLEAN SLATE with zero red X's at the end of the week! 

Click here and start improving your marriage now:


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Jack London - Goliah


100 years ago Jack London envisioned the GREAT RESET!
In this book he methodically and painstakingly pours out his structure, his ideas, of utopia, of the brave new world...
  • Peer directly into the mind of 20th century socialist thought!
THIS is what they want/ed
  • Will they use violence to justify their visions?
  • Will they murder people who do not share their vision of utopia?
Read on to see Jack London's amazing vision of the future, of utopia!
In 1924—to be precise, on the morning of January 3—the city of San Francisco awoke to read in one of its daily papers a curious letter, which had been received by Walter Bassett and which had evidently been written by some crank.
Walter Bassett was the greatest captain of industry west of the Rockies, and was one of the small group that controlled the nation in everything but name.
What happened next could enslave the world forever...
or liberate it...

Friday, March 23, 2018

Homo Deus : Juval Noah Harari

I am currently reading Juval Harari's awesome book: HOMO DEUS.

My first impressions:

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (Incerto)

My New Favorite Book!

Favorite quotes from the book:

Belphegor - The Marriage of the Devil

Belphegor The Marriage of the Devil by Niccolo Machiavelli

With beautiful illustrations by Gustave Dore.

Who needs Shakespeare when you have Niccolo Machiavelli?

Niccolo Machiavelli proves that he is the master of intrigue in this awesome short story.

No time to read them Romeo and Juliet? Can't bother with Shakespeare's over-length words?

Then try Niccolo Machiavelli's The Marriage of the Devil!

This book and it's shortness dives deep into the relationship between men and women.

Despite it being over 400 years old, it's funny as hell and even applies today...

Grab a copy it's free!


Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Duchess of Padua by Oscar Wilde

The Duchess of Padua by Oscar Wilde 

Oscar Wilde proves once again that he is the master of TENSION and CONFLICT!

This short story delves deeply into revenge and murder and love, believe it or don't!